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Transport for London SERU exam

Get it clear in first attempt with our tfl SERU exam preparation app. From study material to unlimited mock tests, get ready for the exam with our seru app!

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Only seru app you need to pass SERU exam

Download our tfl SERU exam preparation app and quickly pass the exam by London transport for private hire vehicle driver.

Study Chapters

Study material by chapters

Prepare for the exam with exam sylabus devided into chapters. Learn for SERU exam in theory, MCQ and Fill-in-Blanks formats.
We keep updating the study material so you don't need to get any other resource or handbook.

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Practice Mock tests

Gain confidence with unlimited Mock test pratices

Our test section let you create unlimited mock tests based on your selections. Practice with realtime generated mocktests and track your performance. Left the test half way? no worries, you can continue any test from where you left it and also track the score and progress.
This is an ultimate SERU assessment preparation app you must have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the SERU
exam app features

What is seru test?

SERU stands for Safety, Equality, and Regulatory understanding. It is a computer-based exam by It was introduced by Transport for London (TfL) in 2021 as part of a wider effort to improve safety and compliance in the private hire sector.

How to book seru test tfl

You are invited for the exam if you apply for a private hire driver's license.

How to find seru exam center

You will be invited to take the SERU assessment at a TfL examination center. The location of the examination center will be specified in the email or letter you receive from TfL. Follow the steps given here to find a nearby SERU exam center.

Is the SERU assessment exam a pen/paper exam?

No, it is a computer-based exam where it will be a multiple choice MCQ and Fill-in-blanks Format of question.

In which language drivers are allowed to give the exam?

SERU exam is only available in the English language however tfl is planning to provide more languages including Spanish in the near future.

How can I improve my chances?

You can prepare for the exam using our app. It is specially designed for the SERU assessment exam.

How this app - SERU London works

"SERU London" our SERU exam preparation app provides all the important study modules for the exam and also provides mock test features that you can use for an unlimited number of mock tests designed for the best practice.

Is it supported on my Android?

Yes, we have Android app available on the play store. you can download it from here. Search seru mock test app in google play store and install our app.

Is it supported on my Apple iPhone?

Yes, we have an iOS Apple app as well which works with Apple iPhone and iPad devices. download it from here.

How this app helps me pass the seru exam.

App provides the latest syllabus with real-time mock tests. You first study everything in theory and MCQ format and then give a mock test to see your progress score.

Do I need seru handbook?

Our app is an all-in-one resource for study and test preparation. You do not need any other resource or test handbook if you are using our app.

How many mock test i can take in the app?

Unlimited! Our app provides an unlimited number of AI-generated mock tests with our very basic plan. You can take multiple mock tests and track the score to see the progress.

Does the seru test app provide past score tracking?

Yes, you can see all of the past mock test's data in the app and track your progress. Get the confidence and then clear the exam!

Reviews from our users

Oliver J. Bailey

iOS user

"It was the best decition to use this app. SERU London helped me prepare for the SERU tfl exam and i have cleared it on my firsts attempt."

Harry Jones

iOS user

"Very user-friendly app. Works on my Android properly. Tried different sites and apps but the way this app provides unlimited Mock tests is the best thing."

James S.

Android user

"Faced an issue in the start as showing internet error but developer responded very quickly and solved the issue. Perfect app for SERU."

Thomas Robinson

iOS user

"Highly recommend! I think this is the best app available in the market with complete syllabus and practice modules for tfl SERU assessment."

Leo M. Davies

Android user

"Thought it will be a complex application but turned out very easy to use. Comes very handy when you are preparing for PHV seru exam."

Ethan Lee

Android user

"My friend recommended this and the app did not disappoint! Great work! Syllabus is latest so you just don't need to keep those pdf handbooks anymore."

Eveything you need to Know

SERU assessment exam for PHV drivers 👋

The SERU assessment exam is a new requirement for all private hire drivers in London. It was introduced by Transport for London (TfL) in 2021 as part of a wider effort to improve safety and compliance in the private hire sector.

The SERU assessment exam covers three main areas:

Safety. This section tests your knowledge of the Highway Code, vehicle safety, and emergency procedures.

Equality. This section tests your understanding of the Equality Act 2010 and how to provide accessible transport to all passengers.

Regulatory understanding. This section tests your knowledge of the Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) Driver's Handbook and the TfL Private Hire Licensing Scheme.

The SERU assessment exam is a computer-based test that takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. It is made up of 60 multiple-choice questions, with a pass mark of 75%.

If you fail the SERU assessment exam, you can reattempt for £16. However, if you fail the second time, you will need to restart the full Private Hire Licence application and pay the full fees again. So better you prepare for the exam before you start. P.S. Our SERU preparation app can help you clear the exam in first attempt.

There are a number of resources available to help you prepare for the SERU assessment exam. TfL has published a free SERU Assessment Handbook, which provides detailed information on the content of the exam. There are also a number of online courses and mock tests available that can help you practice for the exam.

The SERU assessment exam is an important part of the process of becoming a private hire driver in London. By taking the time to prepare for the exam, you can ensure that you have the knowledge and understanding you need to keep your passengers safe and compliant with the law.

  • Study the theory of all the chapters from the app carefully.
  • Take mock tests in our SERU exam app.
  • Practice answering multiple-choice questions.
  • Review the Highway Code and the PHV Driver's rules.
  • Be familiar with the Equality Act 2010.
  • Arrive at the test center early on the day of the exam.
  • The SERU assessment exam is a challenging exam, but it is not impossible to pass. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success.
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